Monday, July 15, 2013

Whine Whine Whine

"It's hot!"
"I'm too tired!"
"Healthy food costs too much!"
"It's my birthday/Christmas/Thanksgiving/National Pie Eating Day!"
"I have kids!"
"There's not enough time!"

Wah wah wah. I've heard all of these and said all of these. I even tried one already today.  It IS hot. We missed our window this morning for a cooler walk because I was so tired from a busy weekend and slept until 9am. And when I opened the door just 10 minutes ago, I couldn't breathe. 
So we will probably end up playing Kinect in the air conditioned house or going for a walk this evening after dinner.

I am going to take daily progress pictures because frankly I need the visual reminder of why I'm doing this. I won't post all of them here because that would get boring and redundant, except for those of you who want to see me in my granny panties.  But I will take them every day because when I saw these last night, I wanted to cry.

How do I not see this when I look in the mirror? Thankfully my Batman loves me and tells me I'm beautiful every day. I know that beauty is not simply surface and that just because I am at an unhealthy weight does not mean I'm not beautiful. But damn it's hard for me to put that word to the images in these photographs.

I can't wait to see what I look like on day 365.


  1. It's easy to make excuses. Even harder to stop. Trust me, been there - done that.

    You are beautiful. But you need to be healthy too! :) Its not about weight or size. It's about health.

    I need you. Batman, Money and Bug need you. :)
