Sunday, September 15, 2013

Visualizing Progress

Other people are starting to notice our progress.  We spent the day yesterday with Batman's family and they all remarked on his weight loss. I got a comment about mine but hey he's lost like 30lbs and I've lost 18....his is definitely  more noticeable.
Sixty days ago I made this commitment to myself and I've stuck to it. I'm making the changes I want to make at a pace that I feel comfortable with. I'm also not getting hung up on little setbacks.  Hell they aren't even really setbacks. Sometimes I just want to eat pizza or cake or donuts or lasagna. But sometimes I don't. And I feel okay with that.
In honor of my sixty days of progress, I present to you a collage!
That's day 1 in the green and day 60 in the gray.  Bummed I got the wrong angle but it was too cold to get half naked again.
 Oh and this shirt? used to be snug!
Time to take this strong hardworking body to roller derby practice! 


  1. :) woohoo! you always had amazing legs, now the rest of you is getting caught up :) Congrats. I'm about to do my own version. I got Jillian Michaels 30 day shred..i'm gonna try :)

  2. lady, you look amazing! I am back on my strict diet. & I am excited to see the changes in 60 days for myself. which reminds me I should take a picture. congratulations on all your hard work I am so very proud of you!
